Judy Moody
"This sequel to JUDY MOODY handily matches the original in zip and wit. . . . Even Judy could spell two words that describe both the plot and its heroine: f-r-e-s-h and f-u-n-n-y." — PUBLISHERS WEEKLY (starred review)
Everyone knows that Judy Moody has a mood for every occasion, and this time she's in a jealous mood. Jealous of classmate Jessica Finch, that is, who gets her picture on the front page of the newspaper, just for
...7) Judy Moody
"Judy Moody was in a mood. Not a good mood. A bad mood. A mad-faced mood."
To start, Judy Moody doesn't have high hopes for third grade. Her new desk won't have an armadillo sticker with her name on it. Her new classroom will not have a porcupine named Roger. And with her luck, she'll get stuck sitting in the first row, where Mr. Todd will notice every time she tries to pass a note to her best friend, Rocky. An aspiring doctor, Judy